本錦標賽隸屬於國際滑冰總會(International Skating Union, ISU),為花式滑冰界四大錦標賽之一,同時也是青年組最重要的年度國際賽事,第一屆錦標賽於1976年在法國梅傑夫(Megève, France)舉辦,2024年是第二次在臺北市舉辦這個國際青年盛會,我們感到無比榮幸,能夠為全球滑冰界的未來之星提供一個發揮才華的舞臺,預計將有來自世界各地超過50個會員國、約600位世界頂尖青年花式滑冰選手、教練、裁判官員、領隊及隊職員齊聚臺北參與這場美麗的賽事,展現他們精湛的運動技藝,爭取榮耀的殊榮。比賽項目分為青年男子與女子組的單人、雙人與冰舞等四大種共8場次精彩賽事,及最後一天的群星表演嘉年華。
Welcome to the premier event in the world of figure skating – the World Junior Figure Skating Championships®. Established in 1976 in Megève, France, this annual competition stands as a pinnacle in the realm of figure skating, officially sanctioned by the esteemed International Skating Union (ISU). As one of the four major championships in the sport, it holds paramount significance for junior skaters, embodying the epitome of their competitive journey.
It is with great enthusiasm that Chinese Taipei, specifically Taipei City, extends a warm welcome as the proud host of the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships® in 2024, marking the second occasion following the successful 2017 edition. This prestigious event will gather over 600 exceptional young skaters, along with their coaches, officials, and delegates representing more than 50 member federations from across the globe.
The ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships® 2024 will showcase the remarkable talents of budding figure skating stars and encompasses four thrilling disciplines: Junior Men, Junior Women, Junior Pairs, and Junior Ice Dance, culminating in an enchanting exhibition gala on the Championships' final day.
We extend our heartfelt invitation to all aficionados of figure skating to join us in celebrating the grace, skill, and dedication of these young athletes. Let us come together to witness the unfolding of extraordinary performances and share in the joy of crowning the champions at the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships® 2024.
節目資訊 / Event information
Event Title: ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships® 2024
競賽日期:2023/2/28(三)至 2023/3/3(日)
Competition Date: February 28th 2023 (WED) to March 3rd 2024 (SUN)
Competition Schedule (This schedule is subject to change) :
日期 Date |
場次 No. |
開始時間 Time |
組別 Category |
項目 Segment |
204年2月28日(三) February 28th, 2024 (WED) |
1 |
10:30:00 |
Junior Pairs |
Short Program |
2 |
14:00:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
15:00:00 |
Junior Women |
Short Program |
2024年2月29日(四) February 29th, 2024 (THU) |
3 |
12:30:00 |
Junior Men |
Short Program |
4 |
19:00:00 |
Junior Pairs |
Free Skating |
21:41:00 |
Victory Ceremony Junior Pairs |
2024年3月1日(五) March 1st, 2024 (FRI) |
5 |
12:00:00 |
Junior Ice Dance |
Rhythm Dance |
6 |
17:45:00 |
Junior Women |
Free Skating |
21:24:00 |
Victory Ceremony Junior Women |
2024年3月2日(六) March 2nd, 2024 (SAT) |
7 |
12:00:00 |
Junior Ice Dance |
Free Dance |
15:09:00 |
Victory Ceremony Junior Ice Dance |
8 |
16:15:00 |
Junior Men |
Free Skating |
19:54:00 |
Victory Ceremony Junior Men |
2024年3月3日(日) March 3rd, 2024 (SUN) |
9 |
15:00:00 |
Exhibition Gala |
Venue: Taipei Arena
Organizer: International Skating Union
Executive Organizers: Chinese Taipei Skating Union, and Department of Sports, Taipei City Government
Ticket Request Platform: KKTIX website ONLY. Applicants could request for a maximum of two (2) tickets per competition.
Tickets Request Period: Please refer to the below table for more details.
日期 Date |
場次 Session |
開放時間 Open Period |
組別與項目 Category and Segment |
204年2月28日 (三) February 28th, 2024 (WED) |
1 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年2月28日13:30 |
青年雙人組短曲 Junior Pairs - Short Program |
2 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年2月28日21:20 |
開幕典禮暨青年女子組短曲 Opening Ceremony & Junior Women - Short Program |
2024年2月29日 (四) February 29th, 2024 (THU) |
3 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年2月29日18:10 |
青年男子組短曲 Junior Men - Short Program |
4 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年2月29日21:55 |
青年雙人組長曲暨青年雙人組頒獎典禮 Junior Pairs - Free Skating & Victory Ceremony Junior Pairs |
2024年3月1日 (五) March 1st, 2024 (FRI) |
5 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年3月1日16:45 |
青年冰舞組短曲 Junior Ice Dance - Rhythm Dance |
6 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年3月1日21:40 |
青年女子組長曲暨青年女子組頒獎典禮 Junior Women - Free Skating & Victory Ceremony Junior Women |
2024年3月2日 (六) March 2nd, 2024 (SAT) |
7 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年3月2日15:25 |
青年冰舞組長曲暨青年冰舞組頒獎典禮 Junior Ice Dance - Free Dance & Victory Ceremony Junior Ice Dance |
8 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年3月2日20:10 |
青年男子組長曲暨青年男子組頒獎典禮 Junior Men - Free Skating & Victory Ceremony Junior Men |
2024年3月3日 (日) March 3rd, 2024 (SUN) |
9 |
2024年1月19日12:00 2024年3月3日17:00 |
群星表演嘉年華 Exhibition Gala |
Please visit the official website of the Championships (https://wjc2024taipei.com/) or follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TPESkating/) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tpeskating/) for more information.
注意事項 / Notice
Events will be opened one hour before the competition starts. Please take the seat according to your seat number indicated on your ticket. After the competition starts, ticket holders who arrive late will not be able to take the reserved seat presented on the ticket.
This event abides by the ISU Constitution & Regulations and the Olympic Games Protocol. Please do not bring any flags which do not match to the registered flag of ISU members or any other political nature flag to the venue.
Please do not make noise or smoke in the venue. Please do not move around during the competitions. DO NOT stand on your chairs during the event. Any damage done by inappropriate behavior will be charged for compensation.
No food or beverage is allowed in the venue except for drinking water. Without permission, no photography, audio or video recording is allowed in the venue.
No Pets, alcoholic beverages, cans and glass bottles or other dangerous items are allowed to be brought into the venue. Other notices shall be handled in accordance with the regulations announced by the organizer or on the official website. For more information, please visit the official website of the Championships.
If the event is cancelled or postponed for any reasons, all exchanges will be based on the refund and exchange policy announced on the KKTIK website. If the ticket is lost, damaged, or difficult to identify, it cannot be refunded or exchanged.
If the ticket holder fails to comply with the above provisions of items, the organizer may prohibit the ticket holder from entering; if the ticket holder does not comply with the above regulations after entering, the organizer may have the public authorities forcibly eject the ticket holder from the venue.
Audience members who have requested for consecutive sessions and have already been admitted should come to the entrance 30 minutes before the start of the next session to have their tickets checked again. Seats will not be reserved if ticket checking is not completed within the stipulated time.
索票方式 / Ticketing methods
Only KKTIX members are eligible to request the tickets of the competition. Please "Join as member" and complete phone number and email address verification as soon as possible before requesting the tickets. It is recommended to save "Name" and "Phone number" in the "Pre-filled registration data" section under "Settings" to reduce ticket requesting time and proceed to the next step quickly.
The confirmation email could be undelivered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. Not receiving the "Order Confirmation Email" does not mean that the transaction has failed. If you cannot confirm whether the transaction was successful on the website, please check your consumption data in the "Order" section of your member account. Any successful order will display the details of receiving tickets. If you cannot find the tickets you ordered, it means that the transaction was not successful, please try again.
To protect your rights, it is strongly recommended that you do not use Yahoo or Hotmail email addresses as your contact email when registering as a member or checking out. This is to avoid not receiving the "Order Confirmation Email" due to mail blocking, missing mail or even being marked as spam.
The system will allocate the best-suit seat, but you are allowed to change the seat within specific time frame.
To request the tickets on KKTIX website, you need to become a member and pass the verification process with your mobile phone number and email address. Each KKTIX member is limited to 2 tickets and please make sure to complete the verification process at least 24 hours before the ticket request opens. We cannot guarantee successful verification on the day when the ticket request starts and the accounts that are verified less than 24 hours before the ticket request starts may not be able to request tickets.
What should I do if I can't receive the SMS verification code when verifying my phone number? Check here.
You will receive the electronic ticket after finishing the ticket request process, and one ticket with a QR code is available to enter the venue for one person. Please have a seat according to the seat number on the electronic ticket. It is available to download KKTIX app from App Store/Google Play when you go into the venue and show the QR Code of a ticket. Otherwise, directly printing the QR Code of a ticket is also regarded as the permission of entering the venue.
At the entrance of the venue, the staff will scan the QR Code on your e-ticket. Please either show it on your mobile or print it out for verification.
What should I do if I can't find my e-ticket QR code? Check here.
How to refund or cancel tickets?
Customers can log in as a member, click "My Ticket" at the top of the homepage, click "Contact Organization" if you want to refund or cancel the event, and fill in the order number and reason for cancellation in the comment box.
After completing the above steps and clicking "SEND", the application for ticket refund will be completed and the OC will assist in canceling the ticket upon receipt of the letter.
Please note: Refunding electronic tickets is only possible for the entire order, and cannot be made for individual tickets.
How to get in?
Entry must be presented with an electronic ticket, and entry will not be granted with any other forms of presentation, such as confirmation order emails or screenshots.
After completing the ticket order, you can obtain an electronic ticket. Click on "My Ticket" at the top of the homepage, select your order on the page, and then click on "Ticket Details" to see your QRCode (Quadratic Rectangular Code). Each ticket comes with a QR Code that allows one person to enter the venue, so please follow the e-ticket to get your seat. Customers can also download the KKTIX app from the App Store/Google Play and show the QR Code on their mobile device when you enter the venue, or simply print out the QR Code and scan it as your ticket. On the day of the event, please queue up in order for entry verification with the QR code at the venue.
Is it possible to re-enter the venue if I leave in the middle of the session?
Midway departure in this event refers to leaving the Taipei Arena, especially through the ticket inspection point on the first floor.
After leaving the venue, if you need to re-enter the venue, please follow the instructions of the on-site staff and apply for the identification of your handstamp to prove your credentials.
If you only leave the spectator seats to rest or use the restroom within the venue, it is not considered leaving, and you can re-enter the spectator seats. When re-entering, please follow the staff's instructions and enter during breaks, such as ice resurfacing breaks, without disturbing the ongoing competition.
Can I help my friend with ticket booking?
A:消費者如需協助親友購買票券,應取得該個資所有人同意,且必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及刑法第二百十條「偽造私文書罪」:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ;且依文化創意產業發展法第十條之一第三項規定:「以虛偽資料或其他不正方式,利用電腦或其他相關設備購買藝文表演票券,取得訂票或取票憑證者,處三年以下有期徒刑,或科或併科新臺幣三百萬以下罰金。」,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法。
Consumers must use their real names to request the tickets and fill in valid personal information. To assist relatives and friends in purchasing tickets, they must obtain the consent of the owner of the personal information. Once the ticket is requested with false information, it is involved in the Article 210 of Criminal Code of the Republic of China, “the crime of forgery”: A person who forges or alters a private document and causes injury to the public or another shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years. Aslo, according to the regulation of article 10-1 of Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act: Where fraudulent information is provided via computer or other equipment or other irregularities occur when purchasing tickets or obtaining claim tickets to artistic or cultural events, the penalty shall be a maximum three years’ imprisonment with possibility of parole, a fine of no more than NT$3 million, or both, the organizer and KKTIX has the right to cancel the consumer's order immediately, please do not take it personally.
I don't have a Taiwan cell phone number, how do I join the membership to get tickets?
Please enter your phone number as 'Country Code + Local Phone Number,' for example: +886912345678.
If you do not receive the SMS verification code, we recommend that you double-check that the country code you selected in the cell phone number field and the cell phone number you entered are correct.
If you still cannot receive the SMS verification code after trying, please contact customer service at (02)2752-2836 or send an email (support@kktix.com) to ask for customer service assistance for verification.
Poor signal or network congestion may prevent you from receiving the code. We recommend that you go to a location with a good signal to obtain the code again, or obtain it again at a later time.
On-site standby audience mechanism.
This event is a charity competition primarily focused on promoting figure skating. In order to allow more figure skating enthusiasts to attend this high-level competition, free ticket reservations are open to ice skating fans worldwide. The association will also reserve seats for the specified session until the start of the competition.
After the competition starts, a rolling count of available seats will be conducted based on the on-site seating situation. Any remaining vacant seats will be opened for on-site standby spectators, aiming to achieve the goal of promoting figure skating.
Therefore, for ticket holders who arrive late, please follow the rules for on-site standby spectators. Queue up in order of arrival and, after entering, follow the guidance of the staff to enter the spectator area. During break times, such as ice resurfacing, do not enter without proper guidance to avoid disrupting the ongoing competition.
注意事項 / Notice
DO NOT purchase tickets through auction websites or other unauthorized channels/websites aside from KKTIX's official authorized ticketing channel. Doing so not only poses potential risks of fraud or transaction disputes, but may also affect your own rights and interests. If you encounter any issues related to the inability to attend the event or other problems, please be aware that neither the promoter nor KKTIX will be responsible.
If it is discovered that there is any form of reselling at a higher price, regardless of the reasons for the price increase (such as purchasing fees, transportation costs, subsidies, etc.), those actions have violated the Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Social Order Maintenance Act. According to the Article 10-1, Paragraph 2 of development of the cultural and creative industries Act, the violator will be fined 10 times to 50 times the price of a ticket as mulct for each ticket by municipal government once selling a ticket exceeding its original price or a published price. Please do not try this illegal action by yourself.
For admission, it is necessary for each individual to possess a single ticket. Children under 110 cm tall are not allowed to enter all areas of the third floor to safeguard their safety. Please keep your ticket properly. If the ticket is lost, damaged, or difficult to identify, it cannot be re-issued.
For safety reasons, all the spectators must abide by the rules of Taipei Arena during the competition and are kindly requested to wave or applaud instead of jumping. Thank you for your cooperation.
The electronic tickets for this event are bearer tickets. Please do not publicize the QR Code on your ticket to avoid any unauthorized admission.
Professional photo cameras, audio recording equipment, DV and recorder are not allowed to be brought into the venue. Without permission, no photography, audio or video recording is allowed in the venue.
No food, beverage, any kind of metal, cans and glass bottles, laser pens, fireworks or other dangerous items are allowed to be brought into the venue.
You must follow all rules and regulations arranged by the organizer and the venue. Late arrivals must abide by the regulations of the venue.
Consumers must use their real names to request the tickets and fill in valid personal information. To assist relatives and friends in purchasing tickets, they must obtain the consent of the owner of the personal information. Once the ticket is requested with false information, it is involved in the Article 210 of Criminal Code of the Republic of China, “the crime of forgery”: A person who forges or alters a private document and causes injury to the public or another shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years. Aslo, according to the regulation of article 10-1 of Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act: Where fraudulent information is provided via computer or other equipment or other irregularities occur when purchasing tickets or obtaining claim tickets to artistic or cultural events, the penalty shall be a maximum three years’ imprisonment with possibility of parole, a fine of no more than NT$3 million, or both, the organizer and KKTIX has the right to cancel the consumer's order immediately, please do not take it personally.
Please read the terms & conditions carefully before requesting tickets. Once you successfully request the tickets, you are deemed to have agreed to all the above-mentioned event terms & conditions.